Ingwa Hydropower Limited IPO allotment details. Ingwa Hydropower publish the result of IPO on 10 May 2023 (Baisakh 27). This IPO was open from Baisakh 13 to Baisakh 17. The IPO issue manager of this hydropower is SBI Merchant Banking Limited. This company already distributed IPO to the project affected local people and employees.

Details of IPO Applicants
Number of total applications | 1203995 |
Number of Invalid Applications | (4028) |
Total number of Approved Appliction | 1199967 |
Website for IPO result
There are mainly one website, from where we can view the IPO result easily and quickly.
How many applicants got IPO ?
The number of applications is higher than the issued IPO. 126863 applicants got 10 units shares of Ingwa Hydropower Limited.
About Company
The official company name of this hydropower is Ingwa Hydropower Private Limited at the time of registration. This company was registered on 2066 Ashadh 9. At 2071 BS, New Shareholders acquire the company. On this year the company become the public limited company. The objective of the company is to develop and operate Hydropower Project and contribute for generating electricity in Nepal.
Projects of Ingwa Hydropoer Limited
Upper Ingwa Khola Hydropower Project (9.7 MW)
Upper Ingwa Hydroelectric Project is a runoff the river type hydropower project situated at Ankhop VDC of Taplejung District of Province No. 1. The installed capacity of the project is 9.7 MW and contract energy is 65.73 GWh. of which 24.9 Wh. (37.88%) is the dry energy and 40.83 GWh. (62.12%) is the wet energy. The objective of this project is to generate electricity power and sell the energy to the national grid under a power purchase agreement signed between Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) and the company. NEA is the sole government authority to purchase the power from this project. The power generated from this project shall be evacuated to the National Grid via Amarpur Substation under Mechi Corridor. This project will help to reduce load shedding in the Eastern Province-1 of Nepal. This is a Nepali currency denominated PPA project.
The Upper Ingwa Khola Hydroelectric Project is located on the Ingwa Khola, a tributary of the Kabeli river, in Taplejung district of Province 1 of Nepal. The project area lies just downstream of the confluence of the Phalame Khola and Ingwa Khola within the geographical coordinates of latitude : 27 16′ 46″ to 27 17′ 20″ North and longitude : 87 52′ 44″ to 87 55′ 20″ East. The intake and powerhouse sites lie in the Ankhop VDC at altitudes of 1085m. amsl and 885 m. amsl respectively. The proposed dam site lies at latitude 2716′ 03″ N and longitude 87 55′ 02″E, Elevation 1084.50 m. The proposed powerhouse site lies at latitude 27 16′ 02″ N and longitude 87 51′ 27″E, Elevation 888.70 m and located at about 3.04 km downstream of the dam site.
Project Images